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LoopCAD HeatLink Edition

LoopCAD HeatLink Edition is the premiere industry software for design and layouts with HeatLink radiant heating and snow melting systems preloaded. There are numerous time saving and efficiency benefits of the LoopCAD program for customers. A few key benefits of LoopCAD include:

  • Readily provides the loop layout as a part of the design process.
  • Both ASHRAE and CSA calculations possible, allowing standardization of design calculations.
  • Allows the designer to visually assess the radiant design as it proceeds.
  • Works with PDFs as easily as with AutoCAD drawings.
  • Provides exact loop lengths and quantities which decreases the amount of tubing to be quoted.
  • Automatically tallies all loop lengths to provide an optimized tubing quantity without the need for cut schedules.
  • Automatically updates all fields when any portion of the layout or design parameters change.
  • Automatically updates all loop layout tagging labels and tables when any changes are implemented.
  • Provides a real time detailed radiant analysis illustrating over/under heated areas on a room-by-room basis.

In summary, the turn around time to produce an optimized materials list is significantly improved, and the ability make any revisions is greatly enhanced.

A free 30-day trial is available to new users.

Updates are free to all LoopCAD users with an active subscription. To update you can either use the “Check for Updates” feature, or click the Downloads link shown below. Then just follow the Auto-Activation steps to easily activate your copy.

For the HeatLink Add-on activation code, please call HeatLink Technical Support at 1-800-661-5332 option 2.


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