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The StatLink Wireless Module for eight-zone radiant floor heating with wireless communication. Zones are controlled by Wireless Digital Thermostats.
Includes 13 3/4" (35 cm) DIN rail and mounting screws.
24 Vac 60 Hz
Thumbnail | Stk# | Title | Publication Date | Size | Download |
Instructions | |||||
L3715 | L3715 Smart System Installation and Setup Manual | 2021-01-01 | 7.51 MB | Download | |
L640328 | StatLink 8 Zone Wireless Module Instructions | 2018-07-11 | 2 MB | Download | |
Brochure | |||||
L3950 | HeatLink Smart System Trifold | 2018-10-05 | 870.49 KB | Download | |
Look Whats New, Brochure | |||||
L5833 | Smart System Sell Sheet | 2018-08-27 | 1.91 MB | Download | |
Submittal | |||||
SUB40328 | StatLink 8 Zone Wireless Module Submittal | 2018-07-12 | 316.12 KB | Download |
Image | Stk# | Product Name | Status |
43301 | Wireless Internet Gateway | Active | |
43305 | External Antenna | Active | |
46801W | HeatLink® Wireless Digital Thermostat | Active |
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