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SST - Stainless Steel Manifold Mixing Panels


SST Series Panels are distribution panels with their own pump and mixing valve to supply radiant areas that each need a different supply water temperature. Typical applications include radiant heating and snow melting.

The base SST panel includes:

  • Recessed or surface mount housing (skirting by others). Visible parts are made of satin coated steel that is ready to paint without priming. Recessed enclosure depth allows for mounting in a 2×6 wall.
  • One key lock and one or two coin locks.
  • 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 loop 76100 series SS Manifold with Flow Meters or 76200 series High Flow SS Manifold. One loop is closed and plugged.
  • 3-way mixing valve.
  • Pre-wired UPS 15-58 pump (SSTS series) or UPS 26-99 pump (SSTL series).
  • Top or bottom mains feed available.
  • Isolation valves.
  • Thermometer.

One of the following control packages is required:

  • StatLink® module (thermostats1) with thermostatic head (SSTS series only).
  • StatLink® module (thermostats1) with outdoor reset control.
  • BMS (sensors by others).
  • Snow melt control2 (#SMCP).
  • Snow melt control with BACnet3 (#31680).

Optional factory installed manifold add-ons:

  • Pressure activated bypass4 (#76937).
  • Side mount automatic air vent4 (#76935).
  • Actuator with LED (#56201) installed on manifold and wired to StatLink® module (SSASL required).

Optional factory housing upgrades:

  • Upgrade surface mount housing material to stainless steel.
  • Upgrade surface mount housing to extended housing.

PEX to manifold connecters are sold separately.

1 Thermostats are sold separately.

2 Snow/Ice Detector DRVWSNS-SS sold separately.

3 Snow/Ice Detector 30090/91 sold separately.

4 Pressure activated bypass and side mount automatic air vent are not compatible and can't be used on the same panel.

Thumbnail Stk# Title Publication Date Size Download
L6SSTxx000x Stainless Steel Manifold Mixing Panel Instructions 2023-08-03 11.38 MB Download
SUBSSTxx000x Stainless Steel Manifold Mixing Panel Submittals 2024-04-16 15.18 MB Download
Image Stk# Product Name Status
Front above view showing the gaskets inside the caps 77100 Port Cap for 1-1/4" SS Manifold Active
77105 1/2" PEX to 1-1/4" SS Manifold Connecter Active
77119 5/8" PEX to 1-1/4" SS Manifold Connecter Active
77122 3/4" PEX to 1-1/4" SS Manifold Connecter Active
SSAACT Actuator Mounted on Manifold and Wired to StatLink® (req SSP/SST panel) Special Order
SSAAV Installed Side Mount Auto Air Vent 76935 on Mnfld (req SSP/SST panel) Special Order
Installed on manifold SSAAV2 Installed Side Mount Auto Air Vent Kit 76944 on Mnfld (req SSP/SST pnl) Special Order
SSABMS Installed Wiring for BMS (requires SSP/SST panel) Special Order
Graphic of DDC actuator SSADDC Installed DDC Actuator 56121 on Mixing Valve (requires SSTS panel) Special Order
SSAEXE10 Upgrade Satin Stl Surf Mnt Housing to Ext Hgt (req 8/10loop SSP/SST pnl) Special Order
SSAEXE6 Upgrade Satin Stl Surf Mnt Housing to Ext Hgt (req 4/6 loop SSP/SST pnl) Special Order
Mixing reset control, transformer, electrical box, and terminals SSAMRC360 Installed Mixing Reset Control 30360 (requires SSTL panel) Special Order
SSAMXM Installed Floating Action Mixing Valve Motor 58131 (requires SSTL panel) Special Order
SSAMXMDDC Installed DDC Mixing Valve Motor 58132 (requires SSTL panel) Special Order
Installed between ball valve and manifold SSAPB Installed Pressure Bypass 76945 on Manifold (requires SSP/SST panel) Special Order
Front view of electrical box, relay, and 40414 StatLink module SSASL Installed StatLink® Module (requires SSP/SST panel) Special Order
Front view of 40414 StatLink module SSASLEM Installed Additional StatLink® Module (requires SSP/SST panel and SSASL) Special Order
Front view of electrical box, transformer, and control SSASM654 Installed Snow Melt Control 30654 (req SST panel; 30090,30091 sold sep) Special Order
SSASMBAC Installed Snow Melt Control 31680 (req SST panel; 30090,30091 sold sep) Special Order
Graphic of surface mount housing SSASSE10 Upgrade Surf Mount Housing to Stainless Steel (req 8/10loop SSP/SST pnl) Special Order
Graphic of surface mount housing SSASSE12 Upgrade Surf Mount Housing to Stainless Steel (req 12 loop SSP/SST pnl) Special Order
Graphic of surface mount housing SSASSE6 Upgrade Surf Mount Housing to Stainless Steel (req 4/6 loop SSP/SST pnl) Special Order
SSATH Installed Thermostatic Head 57094 on Mixing Valve (requires SSTS panel) Special Order
SSAMRC Installed Outdoor Reset Control 31355 (requires SST panel) While Supplies Last
Substitute: SSAMRC360
Graphic of Installed Snow Melt Control in SST Panel SSASM Installed Snow Melt Control SMCP (req SST panel; DRVWSNS-SS sold sep) While Supplies Last
Substitute: SSASM654
SSAPB Installed Pressure Bypass 76937 on Manifold in SSP/SST Panel Discontinued
SSASL Installed StatLink® Module 40318 in SSP/SST Panel Discontinued
Substitute: SSASL
SSASLEMHD Installed Accessory StatLink Heavy Duty Expansion Module Discontinued
Graphic of Installed Snowmelt Opt. Incl. Actuatr for Smll SST SSASM-S Installed Snowmelt Opt. Incl. Actuatr for Smll SST (DRVWSNS-SS sold sep) Discontinued
Substitute: SSASM

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