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Tracking provides even tubing spacing in 3" (75 mm) multiples and exact regulation of tubing heights. Tubing is slightly elevated to ensure the concrete can totally encase tubing. Tubing, track & ground insulation assembly stays at the bottom of the pour to best utilize “angle of radiation”; eliminates hot and cold spots on the surface.
Tubing can be snapped in using your feet; no more bending down or tying is needed.
They can be fastened to many surfaces, such as concrete or plywood subfloors, steel Q decking, and polystyrene insulation.
Tracking comes in 4 ft (1.22 m) lengths.
Thumbnail | Stk# | Title | Publication Date | Size | Download |
Submittal | |||||
SUB89000 | PEX Pipe Tracking and Track Staple Submittal | 2009-06-17 | 140.91 KB | Download |
Image | Stk# | Product Name | Status |
89010 | 500 Track Staples | Active |
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